The first of the 7 universal laws is the Law of Mentalism. What that means is that there is one mind, one universal mind and we are all “extensions” of this one universal mind. All of life and all of it’s experiences are happening inside the mind. Even if you touch something solid like a chair, it is your mind that is perceiving the chair. Visually, it is your mind that perceives the chair through your visual senses (your eyes) and kinesthetically, while it is your finger that may be touching the chair, it is your mind in it’s neurological and nervous functionality that allows you to perceive the chair.

This law is also the reason why you can manifest things both positive and negative, intentionally and unintentionally.

It is because you are a part of the same mind that “thought” the world into existence, you are able to manifest things just by holding the thought (seed) for long enough and adding emotion (water).

This happens automatically by virtue of you being awake.


So in order to manifest something, all you have to do is follow the rules of manifesting:

  1. Decide what you want
  2. Think of an image where you already have what you want
  3. Add the emotions of what it would feel like to already have what you want
  4. Be consistent


The law of mentalism is a law so it is precise, accurate and exact all the time and every time. It also won’t alert you when you are using it negatively, in other words, to manifest something you really don’t want.

In order to manifest something that you really don’t want, you must follow the very same rules:

  1. Decide what you really don’t want
  2. Think of an image where you already have what you really don’t want
  3. Add the emotions of what it would feel like to already have what you really don’t want
  4. Be consistent


Click here to see how a misunderstanding of this law brings about one of the greatest illusions known to man.

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